
Governance Committee
Governance Committee, consisting of former Government official, Legislative Councilor, academicsand professionals of the organic industry, have been set up by the IBA since January 2017. The role of the Governance Committee is to provide professional advice about the direction for theIBA and to oversee and govern the establishment of the IBA with funding support from the HSBC150th Anniversary Charity Programme.
List of Members (from 1.1.2021 to 31.12.2022):
Name | Title / Organisation | |
Chairperson | Mr. Alan WONG Chi Kong, JP | Former Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department |
Members | Prof. Guo, Yi-Ke | Vice-President (Research and Development) of Hong Kong Baptist University |
Prof. CHAU Kwai Cheong, BBS, JP | Department of Geography and Resource Management of Chinese University of Hong Kong | |
Mr. Simon WONG Ka Wo, JP | Group Chairman, Kampery Group | |
Ms. Christine CHAN | Golf Course Superintendent, The Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course Ltd. | |
Mr. CHAN Kin Yip, MH | President, The Federation of Hong Kong Agricultural Associations | |
Dr. CHAN Hon Fai, BBS | Managing Director, Cinotech Consultants Limited | |
Mr. LEE Yuk Fat, FPVCB(Hon.) | Chairman, Volk Favor Food Company Limited | |
Mr. YEUNG Hiu Wa, Peter | Managing Director, Capital Green Trading Limited | |
Ms. LEUNG Lai Shi | Business Development Manager, Tai Tong Organic Ecopark Co. Ltd | |
Secretariat | Prof. Jonathan WONG, BBS, MH, JP | Hong Kong Baptist University |
Director of the IBA
Prof. Jonathan WONG, BBS, MH, JP
Assistant Director of the IBA
Dr. Sam S. S. LAU
Management Committee
Management Committee, led by the Director of the IBA, have been set up by the IBA since September 2017.
The main roles of the Management Committee are to provide valuable insights and expertise for the implementation of the IBA, to develop collaboration with other institutes in Hong Kong and Overseas and to lead the research operation team in one of the specific areas of the IBA.
List of Members (from 28.11.2019 to 27.11.2021):
Name with title | Area/Responsibility | |
Chairperson | Prof. Jonathan WONG, BBS, MH, JP, Department of Biology, HKBU | Project Leader & Team leader (Museum, Training support, research directions) |
Members | Ir. Cary CHAN, Executive Director, HKGBC | Team member (Museum, Sustainability and Education) |
Dr. Benny CHOW, Director of Sustainability, Aedas Limited | Team member (Museum, Sustainability and Education) | |
Prof. LAM Hon Ming, School of Life Science, CUHK | Team member (Research - Indigenous seed breeding and crop nutrition) | |
Prof. CHEUNG Chi Keung Peter, School of Life Sciences, CUHK | Team member (Research - Mushroom and food science) | |
Dr. ZHANG Hao Allen, Faculty of Design and Environment, THEi | Team Member (Research - Crop and tree production) | |
Prof. ZHANG jian Hua, School of Sciences, HKBU | Team Member (ex-official member, Crop production) | |
Dr. Lau Sam S. S., College of International Education, HKBU | Team Member (Tertiary curriculum) | |
Dr. Michelle Law, Department of Biology, HKBU | Team Member (Research - Biodiversity in soil) |
Advisory Members
Prof. LI Gouxie | China Agricultural University, Beijing | |
Prof. CHEN Qing | China Agricultural University, Beijing | |
Prof. XIAO Xingli | Director, Organic Food Development Centre, Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science | |
Hon Steven HO Chun Yin, BBS | Legislative Councilor Member |
Third Party Reviewers
Prof. Qirong SHEN | Former Vice President of Nanjing Agricultural University | |
Prof. HO Kin Chung, BBS, JP | School of Science & Technology, Open University of Hong Kong |