Develop biopesticide compost from food waste and Chinese herbal medicine residue
Pest control is the second most headache for most organic farmers since no chemical pesticides can be applied. Our previous study has already shown the beneficial effect of Chinese herbal residue as a co-composting material with food waste. Food waste utilized was collected from the Hung Fook Tong factory in Tai Po with different combinations of waste trialed to determine the best performing combination. Chemical and physical analysis of compost materials is regularly carried out to monitor composting progress and performance. As compost material reaches maturity (after 60 days), pot trials will be carried out to determine performance during plant growth. Samples will be collected periodically for major physicochemical parameters for determining the composting maturity and the biopesticide properties by determining the active compounds in the compost extracts. Pathogenic testing will also be carried out to determine the biopesticide properties of the compost.
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